Tonight when Gary said he had to go to the library, I went along with him. I had something to return and was hoping some holds might turn up, which they didn't, but that's okay. We're always in an ocean of books around here, and most of the time they're in stacks on tables and counters and file cabinets instead of on shelves. It isn't that we never put them back, but we don't put them back right now. Sort of like everything else in our lives...(sigh)...but I digress.
Anyway, I looked for a Chronicles of Narnia book that Tim wanted, and then had even more time (a valuable thing at the library!) I went over to the "religion" shelves and looked. Usually there are a bunch of strange books by unknown authors and stuff that I'm really not that interested in. Today, though, I found a couple of books that I thought most of my readers (of course, there are hundreds of you, don't you know? Ha.) would find them amusing, interesting, whatever...
The first was 101 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven, by David Bordon and Tom Winters. (Seems like everyone's got packing in a life before they die on their minds these've probably seen similar titles in the more secular realm? And a Bucket movie besides, which I gather is in the same idea...) This book is kind of fun, fairly light easy reading, and expect some reference to it in my future blogs. I think most Christians might find they already do some things that are listed inside; some other things they might rate very difficult, some unimportant...but most are worthy of at least being suggested. The first one is really promising: "Risk looking stupid." Well, I risk that all the time, and quite often the risk ends up somewhere in reality. There are no doubt some ideas most of us could add to the book, too, aside from all the travel and bungee-jumping-type possibilities. It would be fun to have a collaboration of various people's ideas...if you have some, for example, leave them in a comment here! I'd love that.
The second was a title I've noticed before--it makes your eyes kind of take a retake: I am Not, but I know I AM: Welcome to the story of God, by Louie Giglio. It just happens that this author is the same man who spoke in the video that our church saw last Friday night, and I blogged about it. Due to that exposure, I expect really good things from this book.
Don't those sound fun? If I have any talent at all, I think it might be in finding books that are fun to take home from the library. Just come and look at my counters...and tables...and shelves...ha!
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