I woke up in the wee small hours of the morning this morning and had to puzzle over some new data that I didn't have until yesterday. A few days back, I discovered this "Feedburner" that I could implement for my blog. Do I know what it is? No. But I burned my feed. (That was the cliff I jumped off of. Boy, that was exciting! Will my blog go up in flames? Will my computer go up in flames? Did I just see a spark? Do I know what I did even though I did it? No. And it reminded me of when I submitted myself to Christ, not knowing what in the world I was doing, but knowing it was better than where I was, sort of like the Israelites going through the Red Sea.) Still, I poked around the site and found to my amazement that it says I have 13 subscribers to my blog as of yesterday. Now I know I'm a small potato in the land of big spuds, and some people have hundreds or thousands of subscribers, but my expectations in that regard are very small. I write because I have to. I write in hopes that people might know the greatness of my God. I write to sort out my thoughts. But I don't write thinking that many people will want to come back and know what I said just lately. Wow, 13's quite a lot!
The frustrating thing is that Sitemeter (through which this non-techy writer thought she had stumbled upon a nifty piece of technology), tells me that I have 3 subscribers. That makes more sense to me: Stacia, Katie, and Lisa. I know them, they know me, and they subscribe because they're nice. I've enjoyed seeing a little window into who comes to my blog: mostly strangers who google and happen upon it from all over the world and mostly all over the U.S. I get little vague clues of information about what draws them here, and that is all. I'm too cheap to buy the enhanced version which would tell me more, though that would be nice.
There was a time when I was writing things in response to some issues I had with an organization I belonged to--I won't get more specific--and it was fun to watch the Sitemeter activity bounce all over the place, because I know people were reading it who I wanted to have read it. That was when my readership went up to its heights for that while. Then it became subdued as they became disinterested, and my exposure is as far as I know mainly to strangers who know nothing about me except the one page that most of them visit before they go on to something else. Still, the visits to my blog are at a high, almost--somehow at Christmas time many people had the time and interest to come visit more than at any time before or since. I can't really explain it, except I did have a couple of blogs about Christmas that drew some limited response.
Thing is, I thought that Sitemeter was thorough and I knew enough to be happy. But to think I have 13 subscribers--it leaves me reaching for a bath towel. Who's watching me?! I have to learn this Feedburner's purposes and whether their definition of subscriber is the same as Sitemeter's is the same as mine. Weird to think 13 people know me so well as to subscribe, and I have no idea who they--who YOU--are. Well, I invite you in. You know about me and I know nothing about you, but you are welcome. Enjoy what I have to say, if you will. I'm flattered by your interest! May God bless you somehow through my writings. And remember, I do have a nice little feature where you can leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you! And now, if you don't mind, I think I'll go back to bed.
Hi there! I occasionally see activity from Katie on Facebook, so I am reminded of you guys. Thank you for letting us know how to pray, and how to look at our lives through Christ's perspective.:) When will your family be complete this summer? I am joining mine some time around May 20.
What is your new church? I think my mom is looking for one, and while I would love for her to join me in trying to go regularly to mine, it would be cool to help her look around.
Hiya! Katie's back 5/10, and our new church is Granite Falls Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). It's got about 70 people "soaking wet"--and our main pastor is on a much-deserved sabbatical at present, so our associate pastor will fill in--who just passed his ordination test. If she comes, tell her not to judge the church by the building; we're in the process of starting a building project and the faith and the people are definitely our best things, not the building. It sifts out those who are appearance-oriented, so that is good...
Uh, "soaking wet" sounds funny in writing, but people know what I'm saying when I say it. I mean, at best, and including kids in the count. Ha!
Thanks for replying so quickly:)!
I appreciate the comments about your new family. I thought I was up-to-date with clever metaphors. Ah, fun with words - I miss playing "Take One" and talking face-to-face with you and Katie!
Actually, when you first started walking around the neighborhood, I thought that would also be a healthy, sweet choice for my mom and me. (I like how C.S. Lewis said in Surprised By Joy that he liked to walk by himself, but once in a while a friend was acceptable.:) He is so frank!) My point is, you and your kids are such a good example of a godly, communicative relationship!
Your family must be so busy tonight, getting ready for her to come home in a day and two nights!
Shani! Take One--I'd almost forgotten! You have to come over, Katie's now HOME! So there are four of us--not soaking wet, either.
Godly, communicative relationship...uh, wow, you should see us sometimes...maybe not...we're really...well, you have me tongue-tied, I think. Katie calls here asking for some advice, and all I can tell her so many times is to pray, because I have literally no idea how else to answer her. So if that's my stock in trade that makes it godly communication, I guess it qualifies, but I can't say my part is remarkable! (Though I have to say, "just pray" is one of those answers no one can rightly criticize at all, it's bullet-proof!)
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