Gary has been telling people all week that he's going down to see Katie--officially for a job interview, and that may be a huge blessing in and of itself, if it turns out to be the job for him, but visiting Katie is definitely the highlight. Imagine, of all the cities in the United States, of all the airports serving those cities, the one that he's called to fly into for a job interview is the same one that Katie flies in and out of to school--Burbank, California. Because of that, he arranged it so that he can stay overnight; the company who called him down is also paying for a rental car for the duration of his visit. Is God not good? We know it! Gary was so excited in anticipation, that in true Gary style, he told the checker at Costco all about it as she rang up our purchase last night. When I told Katie that, she was all the more delighted--at his delight.
Tonight Gary called our home phone. He was giving me a rundown of how the day went with Katie. He had already told me some about the interview (which so far left him undecided if they should offer him the job), but this time he was just bubbling over with the day's events afterward. While he was talking, Katie called my cell phone. He told me to call him back later, and when I answered Katie, she started bubbling over with all the same news as Gary, from her own perspective. She said even this afternoon and all it contained was like a mini-vacation, and she felt so refreshed. It was hard to tell who was happiest!
It's amazing how infectious a little bit of encouragement becomes. Gary's encouraged, which encourages Katie, and their both being encouraged at the same time becomes a delight for me to hear. I got to share it with my friends Lanae and Scott, and they thought it was pretty neat as well. How good God is, to provide for such a wonderful afternoon and give Gary and Katie a great pick-me-up when both had been working so hard at their various challenges! He is good and merciful and kind; "The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation." Psalm 118:14.
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