Sunday, December 21, 2008

If Jesus were Born to be a TV Evangelist

This morning I have had the song "Mary's Boy Child" going through my head. I pondered the part of "They had no place to bear their Child, not a single room was in sight." Suddenly I imagined what it would be like if Jesus had come to be a tv evangelist. Well, He wouldn't have come in the "time of Christ." He would have come in these days, when He could ride in a big long stretch limousine. His parents, if the rooms were unavailable at the inn, might have offered more thousands of dollars for the room, or left with their entourage to another inn...maybe even a fancier one than the first they'd tried. Maybe they would have passed a barn on the way, and plugged their posh little noses.
They would have hired only the best physicians to assist with the delivery of the baby. They wouldn't have stayed in a hospital. That would be for common folk. The baby would be placed in silk diapers and laid in a solid gold crib with a mobile of diamonds and other gems hanging from above.
They would have eaten only the choicest of fare, worn the most ornate clothing and jewelry, complained about the unsuitable discomfort of the room, and everyone around would have known when they arrived and when they left, and been relieved at their departure.
But Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. He didn't require that He be born in posh or even comfortable surroundings, or that the air be perfumed with anything better than the smell of cows and horses and chickens. He didn't have a doctor there (though I bet He had the angels, and I think that would likely just be better, actually)...He didn't have a limo, and I don't know that they had a donkey like all the pictures indicate. He was probably put in some rather old and worn clothing to wrap Him up against the cold of night. He didn't have a soft pillow-top innerspring mattress. He had hay. Maybe there were even some fleas and other little critters. He didn't have a flag waving, and an entourage. He had His mother and her husband.
I'm glad that rather than a creche scene, we don't put out a stretch hummer, or a Sheraton hotel. I'm thankful for Jesus' example of humility from the point of His very birth. I'm thankful for the Father, who Jesus represents to us, that He doesn't think like a tv evangelist.

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